Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055


Our advice is tailored to your individual circumstances, including:

 SMC issues and investigations
 Writing reports
 Taking consent
 Ethical and legal dilemmas
 Patient complaints
 Criminal proceedings arising from clinical care
  Protection for Good Samaritan acts
 Coping with the stress of a case or claim
 Media attention

Ask an expert

Our team is made up of a range of experts who can help or give you advice when you need it.

Urgent enquiries

Call our medicolegal helpline on 800 616 7055 or email [email protected] for urgent assistance 24/7.

Contact the legal team

We have local lawyers who can give you specialist legal advice

Contact a lawyer

MPS Associates

Our associates are MPS members who provide confidential support for their peers

Contact an associate

Request advice

If you have a question that doesn’t need an urgent response, complete the online form.

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Membership enquiry

If you have a question about your MPS membership, email [email protected]

Media attention

If you find yourself in the media spotlight, contact our press team for advice and support.