Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055

Membership Options

We offer a number of flexible indemnity options, including working with government, individual membership and small, medium and large group schemes. Our range of membership options allows us to serve your current and future needs.

There are typically two types of indemnity for healthcare professionals – occurrence-based protection and claims-made protection. Occurrence-based protection is widely available for doctors in Singapore, however in 2015 we introduced claims-made protection for obstetricians and gynaecologists.

Occurrence-based protection

With occurrence-based protection you can seek assistance for any complaint or claim arising from an adverse incident that took place during your membership of MPS – even if it is brought years later, or if you have long since left MPS.

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Claims-made protection

Claims-made protection was introduced to make sure obstetricians and gynaecologists practising in Singapore are charged a fairer and more accurate membership subscription.

Your ability to access the benefits of membership if you have claims-made protection will depend on both the date on which an adverse incident occurs and the date that the matter is reported.

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Group membership

We can offer a number of comprehensive and flexible indemnity options, ranging from individual membership to small, medium and large group schemes.

Doctors working in a group arrangement (with a minimum of three full-time clinicians), either as employees, contractors or partners can set up a scheme which allows them to retain their individual membership of Medical Protection, but have this administered on a group basis. Groups can benefit from centrally administered membership and, often, preferential subscription rates.

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Protection for humanitarian work

We understand the vital role that humanitarian care plays worldwide, which is why we have offered our members the right to request indemnity for any complaints or claims arising from humanitarian work for many years.

You can request assistance and advice relating to humanitarian work for up to six months in any 12-month membership period. This can be applied to a number of shorter trips, or for a single 6-month period.

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