Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055

Our people

With local people, supported by world-class global expertise, you’re in good hands

Our people set us apart. We know that we can only achieve the best for you if we have the right people on the team. We aim to attract and develop a skilled workforce across the globe, to support you.

We are passionate about supporting you throughout your training and career, not just when problems arise.

Medicolegal advisers

Every day we help members deal with difficult issues arising from their clinical practice, such as medicolegal issues, ethical dilemmas, adverse incidents and patient complaints. With a large worldwide team of medicolegal specialists, whatever your question, problem or dilemma, we can help you get the answers you need.

Meet your medicolegal advisers

Legal team

Your career relies on your reputation. Whether it’s a claim for clinical negligence, an SMC matter or a criminal investigation, our expert team is the best in their field. You’re in safe hands – no one has more experience of defending doctors in Singapore than Medical Protection.

Meet your legal team

Education team & faculty

Like you, we believe prevention is better than cure. With more than 120 years of experience supporting and defending medical practitioners, we have a unique insight into why things go wrong, and why claims and complaints arise. Using this knowledge, we have developed a range of courses to help you identify and address issues, reduce your risks and deliver improved patient outcomes.

Meet your education team & faculty

Membership advisers

We work with the Singapore Medical Association to administer your membership. If you have a change to your details or a question relating to your membership, please get in touch.

Meet your membership advisers