Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055

Group Membership

Our focus is on the future

New challenges and issues in healthcare constantly arise. As the delivery of healthcare evolves, we’re developing innovative and flexible solutions to the changing needs of our members and the wider profession.

We can offer a number of comprehensive and flexible indemnity options, ranging from individual membership to small, medium and large group schemes.

Doctors working in a group arrangement (with a minimum of three full-time clinicians), either as employees, contractors or partners can set up a scheme which allows them to retain their individual membership of Medical Protection, but have this administered on a group basis. Groups can benefit from centrally administered membership and, often, preferential subscription rates.

Medical Protection group membership can benefit your organisation by:

  • Providing reassurance that all doctors in the group have indemnity arrangements in place

  • Easing the administration burden on individual doctors

  • Providing access to indemnity for employed doctors as an employment benefit

  • Ensuring your organisation complies with any commercial obligations to maintain corporate indemnity or insurance.

Unlike an insurance company, our group offering is not limited by pages of restrictions and small print, and we aim to provide every member an individual, tailored service.