Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055


Whilst you are a student it is unlikely that you will need to approach us for advice or assistance. However, our medicolegal advice service is open to members with urgent queries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are in any doubt over a legal issue, contact our team of medicolegal advisers – they are only ever a phone call away. We would rather you asked now and stop a problem from escalating, rather than hope for the best and find yourself in difficulties later.

Medicolegal talks

All our in-house medicolegal advisers have practised clinical medicine and have received legal training.

They visit medical schools to talk to students about the sorts of dilemmas that they may face once qualified. If you would like to arrange a talk at your medical school, please contact the MPS Membership Services team.