Membership information +65 6223 1264
Dentolegal advice 800 616 7055


Claims-made protection was introduced in order to enable obstetricians to continue to enjoy the benefits of Medical Protection membership. We know that many of you have questions about this type of protection, so we have compiled a series of FAQs which we hope will help to explain how claims-made protection works.
If your question is not answered below, please contact our membership team at [email protected]
  • Why is this the only type of protection offered to obstetricians?

  • What is occurrence-based protection? What is claims-made protection? What is the difference between the two?

  • What is an adverse incident and what should I report to Medical Protection?

  • As an obstetrician, should I report every delivery to be on the safe side?

  • How do I report adverse incidents to Medical Protection?

  • How is my membership subscription for claims-made protection calculated?

  • What external factors affect the calculation of membership subscriptions for claims-made protection?

  • What can I expect to pay next year and the year after?

  • Is there a limit on my protection?

  • Will I have to pay an excess?

  • What is the typical reporting pattern of obstetric claims?

  • What are extended reporting benefits (ERBs) and why do I need them?

  • How do ERBs work?

  • What will the cost of ERBs be?

  • Can I purchase ERBs to cover my whole retirement?

  • How can I apply for ERBs?

  • When should I apply for ERBs?

  • How long should I have ERBs in force for?

  • What happens if I stop practising as an obstetrician and undertake only gynaecology? Do I have to continue to pay to protect the time when I was practising obstetrics with claims-made protection?

  • What happens if I leave Medical Protection and want to continue obstetric practice with another indemnity provider?

  • What happens when I retire?

  • What happens if I die?

  • What happens if I choose not to accept an offer for ERBs?

  • Are there any other options available to me to ensure I have appropriate protection when I cease practice?

  • Why is it important that I report adverse incidents to Medical Protection?