Membership information +44 113 243 6436
Dentolegal advice +44 113 210 4398

I need advice

Contact an MLA

Our medicolegal advice service is open to members with urgent queries and medicolegal emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you encounter such an emergency please call +44 20 7399 1300 or email
[email protected]

Alternatively, you can use our contact form to submit your query securely online. One of our expert medicolegal advisers will respond as soon as possible.

In the interests of patient confidentiality, please do not include information in an email that would allow a patient to be identified.


How can Medical Protection help?

Medical Protection members can seek assistance with:

  • Clinical negligence claims
  • Medical Council procedures
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Preparing for inquests
  • Indemnity for Good Samaritan acts
  • And much more...

Medical Protection offers press support for members

If you find yourself in the media spotlight please get in touch and we can provide experienced advice and support, including liaising with journalists and providing statements on your behalf. 

We're available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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