Membership information +44 113 243 6436
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A Guide to MPS Membership

Putting Members First

MPS is the world’s leading medical protection organisation, run by doctors to provide the best possible professional support and expert advice to you throughout your career.

I strongly believe that MPS is the right choice for you. The decisions we make and the ethos of the organisation mean we can truly say we put members first.

This booklet is an introduction to the many benefits of MPS membership. It also provides a short account of MPS history and philosophy, and describes how we work.

I hope you find it a useful resource. If we have not included a topic you are interested in, or if you would like more detail about certain subjects, you may find it on the MPS website, or simply by giving us a call.

Thank you for making MPS your choice.

Simon Kayll 
MPS Chief Executive

International member guide cover

The information in the printed version of this guide was current at the time of going to press but it may change over time. The pages in this section of the website are the best place to find the most up to date information about MPS membership.