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Record keeping issues are a common source of medicolegal problems faced by our members.

If you face a patient complaint or clinical negligence claim, comprehensive records are also essential in order to successfully defend a case.

Scroll down to browse our educational resources on this topic.


Each factsheet provides a concise overview of a specific topic.

Case reports

Explore our collection of case reports bringing to life real examples of patient complaints and clinical negligence claims.

We believe that these are an invaluable risk management tool and, as such, they should be rooted in fact – ie, based on actual events. However, to preserve as far as possible the confidentiality of the people involved (both patients and healthcare professionals) we have altered some of the details.


Advance care planning during COVID-19

Dr Julia Ambler (Palliative Care Specialist) and Tracey Brand (Palliative Care Social Worker and Director of Umduduzi) discuss advance care planning during COVID-19, providing guidance and tips on how to approach these difficult conversations sensitively and facilitate an informed decision.

Listen Here


7 stages of the clinical negligence claims process

If a patient took legal action against you, would you know what to do? Prepare yourself with this guidance about different stages of the claims process, including what documentation to provide and when.

Read Article

Online learning resources and webinars

Medical Protection members can access the following material by logging into PRISM.

Login to PRISM online learning platform

 Webinar recordings

  • POPI Act for Medical and Dental Practitioners (Part 1) [August 2020]


  • Medicolegal obligations following death [July 2020]
  • POPI Act for Medical and Dental Practitioners (Part 2) [September 2020]


  • Writing a report for the coroner [June 2019]