Membership information 0800 225 677
Dentolegal advice 0800 014 780

Advice service

Medicolegal advisory service

You can phone or email us for advice to help resolve the many dilemmas that can arise from everyday practice. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for urgent advice. Requests for medicolegal assistance can be directed to a toll-free advice line (0800 982 766) and email address ([email protected]).

There is also an incident reporting form available on the contact us page. The form is secure and confidential allowing you to give us your membership details and a brief explanation of the incident. This direct access is underpinned by our established panel of local expert lawyers and experienced medicolegal advisers.


We can help you formulate a response to a complaint and assist and support you through to its resolution. We can work with you to look at why complaints arise and how to minimise the risks of recurrence.

Handling media attention

If you attract adverse publicity, we can issue press statements and act as spokesperson to the media to shield you as far as possible from having to deal directly with the press.

Counselling and support

We offer access to a 24/7 counselling service if you are suffering from stress and anxiety as a result of situations such as complaints, claims, or disciplinary or a HPCSA investigation. It is an independent service tailored to your requirements and delivered by fully trained, qualified and registered psychologists and counsellors. The service is entirely independent and confidential – MPS is not informed of the details of consultations – and accessing the service is via the relevant medicolegal case handler, who will be able to provide the service’s freephone number.