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MPS statement – Professor Peter Beale murder trial

30 January 2024

“While our thoughts are with the families of the patients involved during this difficult time, we also recognise the concern this and similar cases have generated across the medical community. The prospect of facing criminal charges following an error accompanied by patient death, when doctors are acting in good faith and in difficult circumstances, is worrying.

“Doctors want to do their very best for patients, but medicine is not an exact science and healthcare environments are fast moving and complex. Unfortunately, this means complications and adverse outcomes do sometimes occur.

“Healthcare professionals need to be held accountable, however criminalising alleged errors in the absence of any intention to cause harm helps no one. Families lose a loved one through tragic circumstances, doctors risk losing their career and liberty, and the fear of criminal charges may have a negative knock-on effect on patient care.

“MPS’s work on behalf of the profession to secure a long-term solution to the issue of how criminal law is applied in a healthcare setting continues. We are pleased our call for the South African Law Reform Commission to investigate the criminal liability of healthcare professionals has been heard and we will continue to push for reform.”