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Your MPS

Providing a global perspective

MPS Medical Director Dr Priya Singh on MPS’s landmark conference

This November sees MPS host its two-day international conference on patient safety and risk – the first time we have held such an event for speakers and audiences from around the world.

We hope the conference will help to identify and share ways in which all in healthcare can be supported in achieving open and effective communication
The conference, Quality and Safety in Healthcare: Making a Difference, focuses on quality, safety culture, professionalism, cost and the patient experience. The latter is particularly pertinent in today’s climate as patient expectations continue to rise. There is perhaps no place where this has been more clearly demonstrated than in the increasing frequency, and associated cost, of clinical negligence claims.

Speakers include Dr Lucian Leape, from the Harvard School of Public Health, who many will know and recognise as a leader of the patient safety movement. In particular, Dr Leape has been an outspoken advocate of the non-punitive systems approach to the prevention of error. We hope the conference will help to identify and share ways in which all in healthcare can be supported in achieving open and effective communication, even in the most challenging and stressful of circumstances in which we frequently practise.

A global perspective on safety and risk in healthcare gives us the best opportunity to pool learning and experience and to accelerate our progress. The first conference will be held in London on 15 and 16 November 2012, and we will look forward to hosting events around the world in the future, so if you have suggestions for conference content do please let us know.

To find out more about Quality and Safety in Healthcare: Making a Difference, and to book your place, visit

Compounded life membership

In September last year, MPS’s previous Chief Executive announced a decision by MPS Council to discontinue Compounded Life Membership (CLM), in the interests of fairness to the wider membership.

This is a reminder that CLM will cease on 1 January 2014. Anyone who is a CLM member and still practising on 31 December 2013 will be required to pay the subscription appropriate for their grade and specialty to receive the benefits of MPS membership after that date.

CLM will cease on 1 January 2014

CLM has been offered to members who have completed 40 years of paying membership, providing a waiver of the annual subscription for those still in practice. The decision to withdraw CLM was taken due to increased longevity and people working longer, therefore placing an unfair burden on paying members.

New MPS Council Chair

Kay-Tee Khaw has been appointed the new Chair of the MPS Council. Kay-Tee has served on the Council since June 2011 and has a long and distinguished career. Visit the MPS website and click on “About MPS” for more information.

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