You can trust the world’s leading provider of protection for doctors to help you settle into medical practice in Ireland with confidence.
We’re here to assist with the sort of problems doctors unfortunately face every day. If a mistake is made, someone complains about you or your employer, or the medical council or coroner needs to carry out an investigation, you need someone on your side. We are the experts who can support you every step of the way.
When we assist you, we reduce the stress or worry that a medicolegal challenge may present. We can help limit the impact on your career and reputation, and protect you from any financial implications. If you need professional legal advice or defence, it won’t cost you a cent outside your normal membership fees.
If you have any medicolegal questions or concerns after becoming a member, we want to hear from you. However big or small, we can help you get the answers you need. We have the largest global network of medicolegal experts of any medical defence organisation (MDO) ready to take your call, including fellow doctors who understand the challenges you face every day.