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Changes for members employed by the Hospital Authority

29 November 2018
The Hospital Authority (HA) will now provide its employees cover for regulatory issues as part of the employee benefits package. 

Following this decision, we are pleased to announce that Dental Protection members, who are employed by the HA, will have the option of a new tailored membership. 
Our data shows that over the past decade, 60%* of the cases that were opened on behalf of members in Hong Kong were matters beyond claims and regulatory assistance. As part of the new option, members will be offered essential support not covered by the HA package. This includes protection for Good Samaritan acts and the right to request assistance with:
• disciplinary proceedings
• coroner’s inquests
• internal investigations
• complaints
• criminal investigations arising from clinical care
The new option will be made available at renewal to all members employed by the Hospital Authority, with subscription rates adjusted accordingly.

As a member-owned, not-for-profit organisation, we know how important it is to listen to members. Having engaged with members and stakeholders in Hong Kong, we know that a number of members wish to maintain full protection. This will include the right to request independent representation for regulatory matters.

Members not employed by the HA will not be affected by this change and their membership will continue as it is.